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What Causes Bipolar Disorder? Long-Term Research Explores This and More

While there’s no definitive cause of bipolar, findings from an ongoing, longitudinal study offer valuable insights for researchers, clinicians, individuals, and their families.

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A Perspective From the Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Program

Bipolar disorder is a complex human condition that may be characterized as a disorder of energy with two or more distinctive states:

  • Mania is experienced as pathologically elevated energy, resulting in the near absence of the need for sleep with impulsive and reactive actions that often result in profound personal, social, or vocational consequences.
  • Depression is characterized by diminished energy, low mood, and feelings of hopelessness. While the diagnosis is generally based on a clinical and diagnostic interview, the course and pattern of symptoms and experiences related to the condition generate the strongest impact of the illness.

The Prechter Bipolar Research Program at the University of Michigan is now in its 18th year of studying the course and outcome patterns of the condition known as bipolar disorder.

Our studies encompass more than 1,400 individuals, or members, in a longitudinal study. Of these members, 962 live with one of the subtypes of bipolar; we have engaged an unaffected group of 288 for comparison. As with all research, some individuals don’t meet our rigorous diagnostic standards, and 150 are in this category. (They experienced only depression or other non-bipolar conditions.) All these members (and we call them members as they are truly part of the team) provide updates on their condition and experiences every two months. Enrollment is ongoing.

The Prechter Program approaches bipolar disorder from many sides — or perspectives,* and the number of data points in our collection is in the hundreds of thousands. How can we organize and approach the analyses with so much data gathered and available to the research teams? The answer is in the framework that we set forth in organizing the program!

The Prechter framework organizes information about the individual around seven phenotype classes (a phenotype is defined by what’s observed). The phenotype classes include the concept of disease — something the individual “has” and assumes an underlying biological mechanism that has gone awry. Biological mechanisms or pathways are either overactive or out of control, or underactive and/or overcontrolled (inhibited). The goal of research, including ours, is to identify the mechanisms causing the diseased states. The remaining six phenotype classes (phenoclasses for short) currently include:

  • Neurocognition: The ability to think, reason, and process ideas
  • Personality: A range of dimensions related to the type of person one is and their reactions
  • Motivated Behaviors: The drives and urges that modify behaviors (e.g., substance use)
  • Life Story: The social and personal experiences through life, the good and the bad
  • Sleep and Circadian: Patterns of activity related to the day and sleep quality
  • Patterns of Symptoms: Variability and response to interventions over time

Our work over the years has focused on studying not only the specific features and characteristics of each of these phenotype classes but also how they interact with each other, resulting in the clinical picture, or personal experience, of the bipolar condition. This builds upon and advances the report published in 2017, a 12-year long-term study on the cause of bipolar.

The latest key findings from the Prechter Program cohort profile are published in the August 2023 issue of the International Journal of Epidemiology.

A look at the seven phenoclasses:

1. The Underlying Biology of Bipolar Disorder, an Illness With Driving Biological Forces

Research using stem cell technology has found differences in bipolar-derived cells compared with unaffected controls:

Bipolar cells are more reactive; there are unfavorable differences in the biology of the support cells and the internal functioning of the cell systems. These findings offer targets for intervention.

Research on genetic heritability continues. Collaborative work that includes more than 40,000 individuals, including those from the Prechter program, has identified hundreds of risk factors in the genetic data. While each factor confers very little risk individually, when analyzed together, they form a story around a collection of genetic risk factors. The relative percentage of these risk factors present may be key.

2. Neurocognitive-Focused Research

Research on the functional ability to reason and process ideas has found that there are subsets of individuals with bipolar that face significant difficulties that appear to interfere with day-to-day abilities, leading to disability for many. However, the rate of cognitive decline over time is comparable with that of individuals without the disorder (the control group), indicating that bipolar disorder does not necessarily speed up this decline.

3. Personality and Bipolar

Personality attributes are measured using the ‘5-factor model’ of personality. These factors — neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and extroversion — are evaluated according to the responses to a specific questionnaire. In general, the personality attributes remain stable over time, and study members with bipolar experience greater levels of neuroticism compared with controls.

Looking at combinations of personality attributes is underway, and a quick peek at the results finds that we can identify personality styles that could be identified in the context of psychotherapy interventions.

4. Motivated Behaviors

The primary focus has been on substance use and related disorders. The evidence that has emerged is that past heavy use of intoxicating substances impacts several measures of functioning, even when the use was in the distant past. This emphasizes the importance of minimizing the use of substances.

5. Life Story

Life story relates to the personal experiences accumulated by the individual over time. Along with a collaborative team from Australia, the history of early trauma has been studied extensively. There is a high frequency of early traumatic experiences among those with bipolar disorder. Experiencing trauma early in life is associated with a lower ability to control impulses and form secure relationships later in life. This emphasizes the importance of working through traumatic experiences and memories in a safe and therapeutic care relationship.

6. Sleep and Circadian Patterns

Sleep and circadian patterns are a major focus of study. We have found that those who report being “night owls,” with a tendency to stay up late into the evening, have a greater probability of experiencing depression over time. Chronic poor sleep quality ultimately disrupts several features of cognitive functioning, including memory and reasoning (executive functioning).

The importance of sleep is well known, but for those living with bipolar, it’s even more essential as it can be a harbinger of difficulties, as well as a sign of instability leading to an episode.

7. Patterns or Signature of Outcomes and Course

We are studying the fluctuations in mood symptoms over time and are finding that many members of the longitudinal study are remarkably stable, meaning their symptoms do not fluctuate much over time. There are, however, subgroups that seem to experience frequent changes in their symptom severity measures and are unstable, always up or down, over time.

This variability in mood and symptom severity may be a signature feature of many who live with bipolar. This instability is also found in speech patterns, part of a long-standing project of the program that continues to study speech to identify predictors of impending episodes based on the assessment of unstable patterns.

Exploring New Dimensions in Bipolar Disorder Research

These are but a highlight of the recent findings from the Prechter Program. Are there additional classes or platforms that should be considered? Absolutely. One great example might be the developmental perspective — how an individual develops and progresses throughout their lifespan. Is the experience of bipolar disorder different in one’s twenties, thirties, forties, and beyond? How does this change? And what might be the treatment implications as the experience evolves?

Might we consider a metabolic subclass? Are there individuals who are highly sensitive to metabolic changes and would benefit from specific therapies focused on metabolic pathways? How can we identify those who are most likely to benefit? Are there biomarkers that may help or perhaps clinical indicators to guide us?

Still interested in more information? We invite you to visit the Prechter Program website regularly for updates on recent publications, events, and highlights of the program.

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

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