The creative arts — like music, dancing, and more — can be good coping mechanisms when it comes to bipolar symptoms, like anxiety and depression.
Over the years of managing bipolar disorder, I have made it my mission to keep developing ways to meet my moods head-on. As time passes, I continue discovering new strategies to soothe my depressive episodes and slow down my manic ones. I’ve become somewhat of an expert in coping skills — something that seemed impossible when doctors first suggested it.
Creativity has many forms — art, writing, dance, music — but it can also be a powerful tool for distraction and self-soothing, offering new ways to navigate the bipolar experience.
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I’ve used all kinds of creative coping skills since I first struggled with mood swings. There’s almost always a go-to option that allows me to channel my creativity to get through tough moments — without resorting to anything self-destructive.
You don’t have to be a gifted artist or a brilliant writer to adapt these methods to your life. Anyone can be creative in their own way; it means something different for everyone living with bipolar symptoms.
Creating Art for Distraction and Self-Discovery When You Have Bipolar Disorder
Art can take so many forms. Sometimes, when I want to distract myself, I cut out words and pictures from old magazines to make collages. The very act of gluing these images onto paper slows down my racing thoughts by giving me something else to focus on.
Making collages also helps me better understand how I am feeling. While creating serves as a distraction, stepping back to observe what I’ve been working on, I might be able to find some patterns in the words and pictures.
Sketching and painting are other artistic outlets. I took a ceramics class in high school and found working with the clay incredibly calming. A peaceful way to be creative and focus attention is to color in mandalas or other pictures. Or you could try your hand at drawing a comic strip.
If you have some time, I recommend wandering around a crafts store. Something will almost always call out to you — whether it’s knitting, needlepoint, metalworking, or coloring books. Most of these options are affordable and provide a good distraction from mood swings — and from life’s stress in general.
Don’t give up if you aren’t satisfied with the first thing you try. There are so many forms of art that it may take some experimentation to find the one that resonates with you.
Creative Writing as an Emotional Outlet During Bipolar Mood Swings
Like art, writing can take on so many different forms. You might try writing poetry, short stories, or personal essays about your experiences.
Journaling is another powerful tool. I keep a notebook handy to jot down ideas or reflections. Writing out my thoughts during a mood swing, or at the first sign of one, has often helped me navigate the episode more effectively. You could share your essays through a blog or website, or try your hand at fiction — maybe a short story or even a novel.
RELATED: How Nurturing My Creativity Keeps Me Stable
Writing can help you connect with others, too. Sharing what has (or hasn’t) worked for you could help someone else who is struggling.
There are no right or wrong answers when you put pen to paper or tap on a keyboard. Just capture what you feel in the moment — it might later become a bridge to help others.
Singing, Listening to Music, and Playing Music to Help Bipolar Symptoms
I’m not particularly skilled with musical instruments (I failed the violin miserably in middle school), but I find music incredibly therapeutic. If you have access to an instrument, try dusting off that old keyboard or trumpet and watch some tutorials online. You may surprise yourself.
If instruments aren’t your thing, use your voice. Write songs about how you feel, or how you want to feel, and sing in the shower, your bedroom, or anywhere you feel comfortable.
For me, just listening to music is incredibly relaxing. Sometimes, music peps me up when I’m feeling down. Other times, a slower song, or even something like classical music, can relax me when my mood is too strong.
If you want to get your endorphins going, you can add some dance moves to your singing, too.
To get the full benefit of music, I make playlists tailored to different moods — like one for when I feel creative and want to write. Music has been a great companion for the ups and downs, and there’s something out there for everyone.
Dancing Away Anxiety and Depression With Bipolar
When I was younger, I dabbled in cheerleading and gymnastics. While there were times when I dreaded going to practices — maybe because I was dealing with depression — it helped to get my groove on.
There are many styles of dance to try: swing, ballet, jazz, or whatever speaks to you and your personal taste and style. Another idea is to incorporate dancing into your everyday routines — turn on the radio or cue up a playlist as you complete household chores and try to dance your way from task to task.
The most important thing is that you just get moving in a creative way that will allow you to cope with bipolar mood swings and other symptoms, like anxiety and racing thoughts. The endorphins I gain from dancing allow me to take a breath and move on with the rest of my day. You can also develop your own dance routines or connect with a class online or in person.
These are the various creative pursuits I turn to when bipolar interrupts my day. What have you tried? How do you use creativity to cope with your symptoms?
UPDATED: Originally posted November 11, 2020