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Things You May Not Know Can Impact Your Mental And Physical Wellness.

(image: Patrick Perkins, Unsplash)

So many aspects of life can impact your mental and physical health and overall wellbeing. In this blog, we will be focusing on relationship stress, seasonal changes and our homes and how they can impact our wellness.

Your Relationship

Your relationship is one of the things that can impact your health the most. Of course it has the ability to impact your mental health, though we’re also talking about the physical side of things. This is especially apparent if your relationship is full of stress and causing you to struggle mentally. Stress from relationships can trigger skin conditions such as acne and break outs. It can be a reaction that your body is having, to tell you that it needs to slow down and heal.

Relationship troubles can lead to arguments and isolation and cause emotional difficulties. If you’re worried that your relationship is not good for your health, try talking to your partner calmly and in a safe environment. If this is not possible, reach out to a therapist or support network too.

The Season

Time of the year has a huge effect on our mental health, the season changes everything. In the fall (autumn) and the winter it’s far more common for people to be ill with depression due to the weather, than it is in the summer months. People also become more physically unwell too. This could be for a number of reasons, but it’s partially because people’s immune systems are weaker when it’s colder outside. 

So, if you notice that you are getting poorly, that your joints are hurting, that you’re generally feeling unwell, it could be because of the colder weather and season.

Your Home

Your home doesn’t mean to harm you, but sometimes a build up of dust or toxic material, a leaking roof or something else can really cause you problems you can’t avoid. You can try cleaning, making repairs, and even throwing out old furniture and replacing it with new pieces. Oak dining chairs and tables are in fashion right now, so why not consider it?

At the end of the day, there are so many different things that can impact your health and you have to be ready for all of them. It’s important that you remain vigilant, and if something seems to be causing you any issues with your health, you have to work on it asap and reach out for support from your doctor.

This article was written by a freelance writer.

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