My sister Rose first got in touch with the Alzheimer’s Association about three years ago on behalf of our mother. Since then, and the organization and local chapter has helped my family in so many ways. Today we give back by once again participating in The Longest Day, a sunrise-to-sunset event that symbolizes the challenging journey of those living with the disease and their caregivers.
Years ago, when Rose and I first talked about how we could raise money for the cause, we decided to organize a motorcycle “poker run.” We ride our motorcycles to specific checkpoints and draw a playing card at each one, the object being to have the best poker hand at the end of the run.
This afternoon is our third annual The Longest Day Poker Run. There are about a dozen Harley Davidsons in our family, and with all the friends we have with Harleys, we knew this would be a popular event. In fact, I feel like it has become a family tradition! It’s just one small way to give back to the Association for what it has done for us.
I’m so proud to participate in The Longest Day. I knew we had to do something for mom and the millions affected by Alzheimer's, and when you plan and host an event such like this, you really see the people out there who have been affected by this terrible disease. You run into a lot of people who pour their heart out about their connection to the cause. I met a bar owner who cried on my shoulder; he could relate to our fight and he was in a position where he could help us. He advertised about our event in his bar, brought in a live band and was very giving.
As a captain of my team, the day-of is constantly on your mind…is it gonna work, is it gonna happen? And somehow, it does, through the help of many friends, families and local businesses. Last year we exceeded our goal, and we are well on our way to do the same this year. Today we’ve even gotten the kids involved with an obstacle course at a local park. Anyone of any age can help put an end to Alzheimer’s, and today we join together in different ways to draw attention to the cause.
We lost our beloved mother to dementia last September. Our longest days were the last few months with her, which were really painful for everyone. It seems like those months lasted forever. We don’t want anyone else to go through that pain, and that is why we raise funds and awareness today. This is a fatal illness that no one should take lightly. It can affect anyone. Together we can change its course; today, on The Longest Day, fight for your family and for your memories. Fight by joining together.
About the Author: Together with his family and friends, Randy Ceja is participating in Alzheimer’s Association The Longest Day®, a sunrise-to-sunset event on June 20, 2016, to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. You can visit Randy’s page here.