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Jami Mental Health Shabbat 2025 by Eleanor

(image: Jami charity)

This weekend is the Jami Mental Health Shabbat 2025. This is an initiative very close to my heart as I was a volunteer with this project from its inception in 2017-2018, helping to get the shabbat into communities. The Shabbat grew from an idea to be more open about mental health across Jewish communities in the UK, with Rabbi Daniel Epstein at the healm (and the brilliant team at Jami), to a nationwide yearly initiative in synagogues, schools and homes. It raises awareness of mental illness and distress, encouraging conversations and breaking down the stigma in our communities by placing this discussion at the heart of them, through lived experience and Rabbis speaking about it in their pulpit.

The Shabbat has other initiatives including hosting a shabbat meal and asking guests to donate to Jami instead of a gift, a toolkit with resources to use, Challah makes and an open mic night on Sunday 3rd at the Head Room Cafe for the whole community.

As Jami say, “Jami Mental Health Shabbat coincides with Parashat Bo. On this Shabbat we read about the plague of darkness, which can be likened to the experiences of many living with mental illness and distress. The parasha also talks about how the Israelites, full of hope, could see through the darkness into the light. This special Shabbat is an opportunity for us to encourage conversations on mental health, raise awareness of mental illness and distress and share ideas on how to support ourselves and others within our community. 

Over the years, my Dad and I have given our talk about our lived experience of bipolar for this shabbat and in communities to hundreds of people including Bushey United and Chigwell United Synagogues, Belsize Square Synagogue and Edgware Yeshurun Synagogue. We also have spoken at Limmud Conference in Birmingham to share our story and had a question and answer session. This wasn’t easy for me with my anxiety as you can imagine!

This year, for personal reasons we are taking a break from speaking our mental health story, but we both support this shabbat and amazing charity. You can also read our story in my book ‘Bring me to Light: Embracing my Bipolar and Social Anxiety’

If you’d like to take part in the shabbat this year, please go to www.jamiuk.org/jmhs .

Let’s keep raising awareness of mental illness and distress and shine our light to the world. No one should ever feel alone in their community due to mental ill health.



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