Coping Mechanisms: Grounding Skills...

What are Grounding Skills? While our first thought about “grounding” might be about...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride Journal:...

Grants, NM to Albuquerque, NM Today was the last day of...
HomeAnxiety disorder

Category: Anxiety disorder

Can Negative News Spike Suicidal Thoughts in LGBTQ+ Youth?

Highlights: LGBTQ+ youth are more vulnerable to suicidal thoughts after seeing identity-specific negative news General negative news doesn’t have the same impact on LGBTQ+ suicidal ideation Expectations of rejection play a key role in how negative news affects LGBTQ+ mental health Imagine scrolling through the phone, minding your own business, and suddenly- bam!- there is a headline about another harmful anti-LGBTQ+ policy or a tragic event involving an LGBTQ+ individual....

Can Negative News...

Highlights: LGBTQ+ youth are more vulnerable to suicidal thoughts after...

How Stress Affects...

College athletes develop poor eating habits as a result of Stress...

How Social Discrimination...

Social discrimination faced by students acts as a barrier to their...

Early Diagnosis of...

Eye symptoms often appear before other signs of brain issues, making...

AI-Powered Systems Sets...

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help reduce unexpected deaths in hospitals by...

3 Hidden Elements...

In this episode, Dennis uncovers the 3 often overlooked elements of anxiety disorders that play a crucial role in recovery. Enjoy the podcast...

Are You Addicted...

Highlights: Many people are struggling with workaholism, unable to disconnect from work Constantly...

Excessive Screen Use...

Children whose families frequently use screens, particularly for video games, have...

Unsafe Food Imports...

A lawmaker revealed that only 12% of unsafe food imports have...