Alzheimer’s Music Fest Creates...

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Bipolar and Memory: Managing...

Post Views: 148,511 Views Feeling forgetful, unfocused, or scatterbrained? Bipolar disorder affects cognition...

Category: Alzheimer

Alzheimer’s Music Fest Creates A Movement To Support Family Caregivers

Click Above and go to Apple Podcast Today on Open MIC, one of our good friends Vince Zangaro founder of Alzheimer’s Music Fest joins us. He shares with us: How and why he got involved in the dementia industry A bit about his father and their relationship How she struggled and pushed through while caring for his father, who was living with dementia How and why Vince created the Alzheimer’s Music Fest Who’s performing and how to get your tickets! What’s next for Vince Contact Vince Zangaro Buy Your...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride...

Joachim Herz, M.D., is a professor at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. Dr. Herz’s research...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride...

Oklahoma City to Tonkawa 5:45 AM on August 18th marked the beginning of my long anticipated ride from Oklahoma City to Wichita, Kansas and...

Introducing The New...

Lori La Bey talks with Marty Agather who is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing...

Kansas City to...

On the eve of the big Alzheimer’s Breakthrough bike ride, I was sequestered with my fellow riders, John Cirrito and Jess Resvito from...

A New target...

Dear Readers, As readers of this blog will recall, years of research have revealed that ß-amyloid is produced by the cleavage...

Food Matters! What...

Today on Conscious Caregiving with L & L Lance A. Slatton of All Home Care...

Women and Alzheimer’s...

Dear Readers, For the last 14 years, in addition to evaluating patients at the Rush Memory Clinic, I have been the "MD in...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride...

Just wanted to add to Buck’s blog….. What a wonderful, fantastic, invigorating experience! Thanks, Bruce Lamb for organizing this important event. Sarah...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride...

Before I begin to explain my journey from St. Louis, Missouri to Madison, Wisconsin, I would like to tell you a little...