new review highlights worrying...

Gambling is a pastime that nearly half of the UK population do,...

Why Holding Onto Fear...

Holding onto fear, worry, over-analysis, and relying on ‘intellectualizing’ every problem can...

Category: Alzheimer

Missing You Mom, The Grief Just Never Seems To Pass

As many of you know, I stepped into the dementia arena, because my mother lived with dementia symptoms for 30 years. For the first 10 years, she was misdiagnosed and told it was her hormones. She knew it was different from what her girlfriends were going through, but she had never been taken seriously by her doctor. Now, I’ll admit it was a long time ago as Mom passed in 2014, add 30 years on top of...

Still My Grammy,...

Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete. ~Marcy DeMareeMy grandmother...

Cooking with Alzheimer’s:...

A French writer once said that “a recipe has a hidden side, like the moon.” In every recipe there’s a little something that...

Bringing Awareness and...

Mark's basketball career has spanned the entirety of our 20-year marriage. We have moved a lot – experiencing an ever-changing landscape of varying...

Remember Me, An...

The purpose of life is a life of purpose. ~Attributed to both Ludwig Wittgenstein and Robert Byrne I was a nurse for thirty years. Near...

I Climb Mount...

June 21 is my mom’s 80th birthday, but she doesn't know that. She doesn’t know what day it is anymore. She doesn't even know...

Dr. Knopman Talks...

We asked, and you answered!  Below you will find a Q&A with Dr. David Knopman in our Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) feature...

Dear Healthcare Professional...

Let me start by simply saying thank you! Thank you for your tireless work in the medical field. You may be prescribing or...


Lori La Bey talks with Angela Fairhurst who is a seasoned entrepreneur with a passion...

Light the Darkness...

“I don’t know if I’m lost or not,” Mom said as walked in the city. We were holding hands, the sun gracing us...