Coping Mechanisms: Grounding Skills...

What are Grounding Skills? While our first thought about “grounding” might be about...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride Journal:...

Grants, NM to Albuquerque, NM Today was the last day of...

Category: Alzheimer

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride Journal: Segment 6, Day 4

Grants, NM to Albuquerque, NM Today was the last day of segment 6. We left at about 7 in the morning, aiming to arrive in Albuquerque at around 1. The different thing about today than the other three days was that the Pony was not with us. It had gone ahead to the signing event at the Civic Plaza in Albuquerque. Also Celeste was driving the caboose instead of Kyle. The first 20 miles of the ride was mostly downhill, so we quickly reached the first rest...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride...

Grants, NM to Albuquerque, NM Today was the last day of segment 6. We left at about 7 in the morning, aiming...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride...

This past weekend, I began my segment of the Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride, a one-day journey from St. Louis, Miss. to Springfield,...

What Does the...

Readers, Eli Lilly and Company announced yesterday that it is halting development of semagacestat, a gamma-secretase inhibitor being studied as a potential treatment for...

Dementia in the...

Dear Readers, Have you heard the saying "Things come in three's?" Well, that was the case this month when over a three week...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride...

My Breakthrough ride started in Saint Louis Airport where I rented the car that would take me and my bike to...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride...

Joachim Herz, M.D., is a professor at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. Dr. Herz’s research...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Ride...

Oklahoma City to Tonkawa 5:45 AM on August 18th marked the beginning of my long anticipated ride from Oklahoma City to Wichita, Kansas and...

Introducing The New...

Lori La Bey talks with Marty Agather who is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing...

Kansas City to...

On the eve of the big Alzheimer’s Breakthrough bike ride, I was sequestered with my fellow riders, John Cirrito and Jess Resvito from...