A brief overview of our blogs from 2024
We launched our weekly blog in June 2014 and through our weekly blogs posts we’ve found new ways of connecting colleagues, families and people living with dementia with each other. We’ve created a new online community that lets people share their work and passion in dementia. In this week’s blog we are sharing eight blogs from 2024 that share the breath of the posts on our weekly posts. Enjoy.
A blog with a focus on lived experience Communication Matters
A blog with a focus on policy CPCS looking back looking ahead
A blog with a focus on education. A Human Rights Based approach to Rehabilitation – What does that mean and what does it look like?
A blog with a focus on self-management Eating Drinking and Swallowing self-management resource
A blog with a focus on evidence and practice. New Dementia SIGN Guideline. Transforming Evidence into Practice
A blog with a focus on practice In conversation with Michelle Murray an Occupational Therapist
A blog with a focus of an AHP student Lessons Learned as an Art Therapy Trainee
A blog with a focus on an AHP Webinar “Driving and Dementia” AHP Dementia Webinar
I want to thank you every member of our ‘Let’s Talk about Dementia’ community, for what you’ve created. Thank you for bringing your very best practice to us and sharing it with us on our weekly blog and then again at @AHPDementia. We look forward to your continued support in 2025.
Please leave any comments about our blog and tell us what you think
- What do you like?
- What would make it even better?
- What’s missing?